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SUSTAIN 340B Act On Track for Possible Early September Introduction After Last-Minute August Delay

Six bipartisan U.S. Senators could introduce a major 340B program reform bill as early as Sept. 9 following a previous delay.
A major bipartisan Senate 340B program overhaul, called the SUSTAIN 340B Act, could be released as soon as early September [...]

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Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Summit – MDRP 2024


Experts from across the US come together each year to conquer the complex, ever-evolving Medicaid drug rebate and 340B programs and accelerate their careers by sourcing world-class content alongside everyone who matters in Medicaid. Join us in Chicago on

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State Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit Weekly Roundup: AstraZeneca Defends Subpoenas; Updates in Missouri, Mississippi, Maryland

Lawsuits challenging 340B contract pharmacy access laws recently heated up in Missouri, Mississippi and Maryland.
Editor’s Note: With 340B-related litigation heating up in several states following the enactment of new contract pharmacy access laws this [...]

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Former Pfizer Exec. Slams 340B, Says IRA Will Worsen Program in New Op-Ed 

Kirsten Axelsen, a consultant and former Pfizer executive, cautioned that the 340B program “will be even worse” under the IRA in an Aug. 13 op-ed.
A former Pfizer executive and current biopharmaceutical consultant took aim this week at what she called the “poorly managed” 340B [...]

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The Alinea Group

Q: Tell us some interesting details about your company’s history.

Alinea officially launched in 2014, but we were already stirring things up in the 340B audit and advisory world well

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Expert Tip from AAFCPAs


TIP: Monitoring and maintaining an active patient listing is imperative for 340B compliance.

Monitoring and maintaining an

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After Failing To Disclose Conflict of Interest, JAMA Issues Correction to Piece Calling for Increased 340B Oversight and Transparency

JAMA corrected an opinion piece on the 340B program to disclose one author's drug industry ties, shortly after 340B Report reported on the omission.
Two weeks after publishing an opinion piece that called for increased 340B program oversight and provider transparency, JAMA issued a [...]

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UPDATED: AbbVie Ends Voluntary 340B Discount Pricing for Dozens of Orphan Drugs

AbbVie will no longer offer voluntary 340B pricing on any of its orphan-designated drugs to covered entities subject to such exclusions.
AbbVie will no longer offer voluntary 340B pricing on any of its orphan-designated drugs to rural referral centers (RRC), sole [...]

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Patient Turned Advocate: David Alexander Discusses 340B


David Alexander currently serves as AIDS Health Care Foundation’s (AHF) Advocacy Mobilizer in Columbia, South Carolina. He is constantly striving to make the world a better place. He was a patient at a South Carolina clinic when he came under the care of nurse

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HRSA Seeks Public Comment On ADR Process and Required Administrative Load

HRSA is seeking stakeholder comments on the administrative burden of the updated 340B ADR process.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has requested public comment on how petitioners file their initial claims in the [...]

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