Blog Posts

Federal Bill Introduced to Extend 340B Eligibility to Qualifying Hospitals in U.S. Territories

Del. Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan (D), the at-large delegate for the Northern Mariana Islands, introduced a 340B eligibility bill for the U.S. territories.
New legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives would extend 340B program eligibility to qualifying hospitals in all five [...]

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Rep. Matsui’s 340B PATIENTS Act Picks Up New Co-Sponsors

Four more U.S. House Democrats recently signed on to co-sponsor the 340B PATIENTS Act.
Four more U.S. House Democrats recently signed on to co-sponsor a federal bill (H.R. 7635) that would bar drugmaker restrictions [...]

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Donna Tempesta, Northern Bureau Chief / VP of Finance – Pharmacy, AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Donna Tempesta

Q: Where did you grow up?

Long Island, New York

Q: Where did you go to college?

Hofstra University

Q: What are your favorites?

Food: Italian

Movie: The Shawshank Redemption

Musicians: Billy Joel, Stevie Nicks, Elton John

Destination: Montauk

Q: What do you like to do outside of work?

I love spending time with family and

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Bipartisan Federal Children’s Healthcare Bill with 340B Reporting Requirements Nears House Vote

A Medicaid pediatric provider enrollment bill with 340B provisions was recently placed on the U.S. House calendar for a vote.
Federal lawmakers may soon vote on a bipartisan bill to streamline Medicaid enrollment for pediatric providers that would also require [...]

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PhRMA-Backed Conservative Think Tank Tells State Lawmakers Not to Pass 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Bills During Annual Meeting

Leah Vukmir, a former Republican Wisconsin state lawmaker, told legislators at ALEC's annual meeting not to support 340B contract pharmacy access legislation.
An industry-funded conservative policy group known for delivering model bills to Republican lawmakers recently urged an audience of state legislators [...]

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AHA, RWC-340B Ramp Up Critiques of ASAP 340B-Backed Bill

AHA and RWC-340B again took aim at the 340B ACCESS Act introduced this spring.
Two major national 340B provider advocacy groups are stepping up their criticisms of the 340B ACCESS Act, arguing that the [...]

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HRSA Agrees to Send New York Times FOIA-Requested Documents 

Dept. of Health and Human Services exterior sign and building
HRSA will review and release some of the 340B-related records the New York Times is seeking through FOIA requests.
The federal agency tasked with overseeing the 340B program will review and release some of the 340B-related records the New [...]

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Column: Three Key Observations from Efforts to Restore 340B Discounts in the States

Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, writes about efforts to pass state 340B contract pharmacy access legislation.
After six months of heated battles in the states to restore access to 340B drug discounts in the contract pharmacy [...]

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News Alert

Two Hospitals Sue HRSA to Block ‘Unlawfully Authorized’ Drugmaker 340B Program Audits

Oregon Health & Science University Hospital is one of two 340B hospitals to sue HRSA over approving a drugmaker audit. (Photo by M.O. Stevens)
Two 340B hospitals urged a federal district court to block drugmaker Johnson & Johnson (J&J) from conducting “unlawfully authorized” audits [...]

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Merck, Wisconsin Health System Join 340B Working Table; 300+ Firms Lobbied on 340B in Q2

Merck and Marshfield Clinic Health System have joined the growing list of organizations in the 340B Working Table.
New Jersey-based drug manufacturing giant Merck and a large Wisconsin-based health system are the latest to join the 340B Working [...]

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