Q: Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Southern California.
Q: Where did you go to college/graduate school?
I went to Florida Atlantic University for both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in health administration.
Q: What are your favorites?
Food: I would say it’s a tie between a Pizza, Sushi and Tacos. I can’t pick just one.
Movie: My favorite movie of all time is Blow.
Musicians: I love pretty much all genres of music, but favorites would have to be Guns N’ Roses, Led Zeppelin and Eric Clapton.
Destination: I would say my favorite destination is Hawaii. The ocean temperature is perfect, not too warm like Florida and not too cold like California.
Q: What do you like to do outside of work?
Outside of work I go hiking with my wife and our dog and I play poker with my friends. I also play video games like Madden and Total War, but not as much as I used to.
Q: What kind of work does your company do in 340B and what makes it stand out?
Verity excels at providing top-of-the-line system solutions in conjunction with outstanding client support. Our account management team is given the tools and the time to proactively manage their client’s programs and optimize the benefits of 340B. Our product and development teams constantly add additional tools, updates and features to our platform, which has been recognized seven times as Best in KLAS for 340B Management Systems by KLAS Research.
Q: Why did you choose to work in the 340B space?
I used to work at a PBM, and a colleague of mine left to work for a 340B TPA. That colleague recommended me to the TPA, and they reached out to me about an opening in their account management department. Before the interview I researched 340B and I was very intrigued about the program and felt that I can excel with my pharmacy and PBM background. I thought that I can have a more direct impact to my clients compared to a PBM. Let’s just say the interview went well and I started my 340B journey in 2016.
Q: What do you feel is your most significant contribution to the 340B world or to a 340B customer/client?
I think my most significant contribution has been working with covered entities (CEs) to turn their 340B program around. In my career there have been multiple times where I started managing a 340B program that was not doing well financially, and I worked with the CE to turn the program to a success. Seeing a CE at the brink of shutting down their program to thriving has been very fulfilling.
Q: What advice do you have for a young professional who has recently launched a career in the 340B space?
My best advice is to try and learn all the different aspects of 340B. 340B is complicated, but the more you learn the easier the journey will be. The more you know about this industry the more doors will be open for you in your 340B career.
For questions, Sam Yeghiazaryan can be reached at syeghiazaryan@verity340b.com.