"I don't want to go through this nightmare"

A two-part series on the growing frustrations safety net providers face in restoring access to 340B pricing in the contract pharmacy setting. Part 1 provides important background on the challenges that covered entities face and looks at the origins of 340B ESP, the clearinghouse used by 16 of the 18 drug manufacturers restricting 340B pricing at contract pharmacies. Part 2 focuses on the perspective of 340B providers trying to jump through what appear to be, in many cases, endless hoops to try to restore 340B pricing.  We also reached out to other key players in the pharmaceutical supply chain.

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Bristol Myers Squibb

Our seven-part investigative series takes an in-depth look into a question often asked by 340B providers: Why can’t they access 340B pricing on some of Bristol Myers Squibb/Celgene’s most expensive cancer drugs? Approximately six-months after our series, which included never-before seen communications between the government and the pharmaceutical company, BMS made a major change. Now over a thousand hospitals have access to significant discounts on these drug products. Serious questions remain about allegations of drug manufacturer fraud and what took so long for BMS’s policy to change.

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A two-part deep dive into one of the most important and contentious areas of the 340B program. While much of the 340B community’s attention has been focused on the contract pharmacy suits winding through the federal court system, there is other activity that the federal court system is grappling with that one could argue is equally or even more important. A federal appeals court is his hearing arguments challenging one of the 340B program’s bedrock principles—the definition of a “patient” eligible to receive 340B drugs.340B Report takes a close look at the groundbreaking case’s influence Read more


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