Provider POV: 340B is Critical. We Must Raise Our Voices.


For over 35 years, Avita Care Solutions’ Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Christopher Hall, has devoted his career to democratizing and scaling compassionate and competent care initiatives to underserved communities—the very patients the 340B program was designed to help. In the following interview, he offers

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How to End the HIV Epidemic in One Word:  Retention


The landscape of HIV control looks very different than it did 30 years ago.  In the early days of the epidemic, most people living with HIV didn’t know they had the virus.  Our main challenge was finding them, testing them, and getting them

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Connect and Learn at the 340B Grantees Fall Conference 


Powers Law Firm is proud to support an unparalleled learning opportunity for 340B grantees.  The 340B Grantees Fall Conference, hosted by Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access, the National Association of Community Health Centers, and the State and Regional Associations

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Strengthening 340B Program Integrity to Improve Accountability and Confidence


An update on new reporting requirements and the continuous program compliance imperative

The integrity of the 340B drug discount program is under a microscope. Two states have recently passed laws requiring 340B

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Five Value Pillars for 340B Program Compliance

Craig Frost headshot


For 340B program directors, complying with the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration’s (HRSA’s) requirements is top of mind, all the time. That’s partly because maintaining their employer’s 340B program directly ties to profitability and sometimes survival.  Covered entities need

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“ChatGPT, I Need 340B Help”

Harrison Garrett headshot


As the complexity of managing 340B programs continues to increase, there is a growing need for advanced tools and technologies to ensure compliance integrity and optimize financial stewardship. In this article, we’ll explore the scope of analytics and artificial intelligence

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Covered Entities and the 340B Program: Avoid Common Pitfalls of the Medicaid Exclusion File

Holly Russo headshot


When a covered entity enrolls in the 340B program it must inform the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) whether it will “carve in” and acquire 340B drugs for its Medicaid fee-for-service (FFS) eligible patients, or “carve out” and purchase drugs for its FFS

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Making the Case for Your 340B Program


Are you telling your 340B story? This webinar will teach you how to track the key data points that demonstrate the value of your 340B program. You will learn how to calculate your overall savings, track patient benefits, and create an Impact Profile.

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Look to Specialty Pharmacy to Address 340B Challenges

Graphic image illustrating the revenue per dose that can be generated by a specialty contract pharmacy and an entity-owned specialty pharmacy for a leading rheumatoid arthritis medication.


Today’s U.S. health systems face significant financial challenges. Many are still trying to recoup pandemic-related losses stemming from forced shutdowns, elective procedure postponements, and reduced outpatient visits. These factors have contributed to billions in lost revenue, leaving many of

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Covered Entities’ and Manufacturers’ 340B Summit


Demonstrate Compliance with 340B Drug Pricing Requirements, Implement Strategies for Successful Audits, and Provide Quality Care

Designed for both Covered Entities and Manufacturers, attend this event to explore the latest developments in 340B with regards to transparency, HRSA 340B audits and other federal oversight activities.  Attendees

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