“Pharma Bro’s” ex-Company and ex-Partner Settling Claims Arising from Daraprim “Scheme,” FTC Says

“Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli’s former company and former business partner agreed to settle legal claims arising from the company’s purchase of and 4,000% price increase on the drug Daraprim.

“Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli’s former company and former business partner agreed Tuesday to settle legal claims brought against them by the U.S. and seven state governments arising from the company’s purchase of and 4,000% price increase on the drug Daraprim,

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340B Teaching Hospital Sues Over Medicare Part B Drug Payment Cut

The University of Kansas Medical Center sued last month over the continuation next year of a nearly 30% cut in Medicare Part B reimbursement for 340B purchased drugs.

The University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) has filed suit challenging the continuation in 2021 of a nearly 30% cut in Medicare Part B reimbursement for hospitals’ 340B-purchased physician-administered drugs.

KUMC filed the suit Nov. 24 in U.S. District Court

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Influential House Lawmaker and Rural Hospitals Upset About J&J’s 340B Orphan Drug Policy Change

Johnson & Johnson is ending voluntary 340B drug discounts on Remicade and other Janssen brand orphan drugs to rural and free-standing cancer hospitals.

Drug manufacturer Johnson & Johnson’s decision to end voluntary 340B drug discounts on orphan drugs to more than 1,000 rural hospitals at the end of this year “will make it even harder for patients to access drugs they desperately need,”

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GlaxoSmithKline, Exelan, and BioMarin Issue 340B Refunds

GlaxoSmithKline will refund covered entities that purchased certain formulations of a severe asthma treatment in 2022.

Three drug manufacturers recently announced they are refunding 340B overpayments to covered entities, part of a growing number of companies that have disclosed they miscalculated the pricing of their products.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration posted GlaxoSmithKline,

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House Panel Holding What Might be Last Hearing of its Drug Pricing Investigation

The U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee is holding a hearing to review the findings of its investigation into drug industry pricing and business practices.

The Democratic-led U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee is holding a hearing this Thursday to review the findings of its nearly three-year investigation into drug industry pricing and business practices.

The Dec. 9 hearing starts at 10:30 a.m. Eastern. It’s

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Omnicell Is Acquiring ReCept, a Specialty Pharmacy Management Company with 340B Expertise

Pharmacy automation, 340B compliance, and medication management company Omnicell is acquiring ReCept Holdings, which helps providers open and manage in-house 340B pharmacies and specialty pharmacies.

Pharmacy automation, 340B compliance, and medication management company Omnicell is acquiring ReCept Holdings, which helps hospitals, health centers, Ryan White Clinics, and other providers open and manage in-house 340B pharmacies and specialty pharmacies.

Mountain View, Calif.-based Omnicell (a 340B Report

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News Alert: Johnson & Johnson Ending Voluntary 340B Pricing on Orphan Drugs to Rural and Free-standing Cancer Hospitals

Johnson & Johnson will stop offering voluntary 340B pricing on Janssen brand orphan drugs to hundreds of rural hospitals at the end of this year.

Drug manufacturer Johnson & Johnson will stop offering voluntary 340B pricing on Janssen brand orphan drugs to hundreds of rural hospitals at the end of this year. J&J’s decision also applies to the three free-standing cancer hospitals enrolled in 340B.

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Feds Say They Need Time to Decide Whether to Appeal Ruling in Novartis and United Therapeutics 340B Cases

The federal government told U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich it needs more time to decide whether to appeal her joint ruling in Novartis and United Therapeutics’ 340B contract pharmacy lawsuits.

The federal government on Wednesday told the judge that ruled against it in drug makers Novartis and United Therapeutics’ (UT) 340B contract pharmacy lawsuits it needs more “time to decide whether to file appeals.”

The government’s Dec. 1 statement about

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HRSA Audit Finds Drug Maker and Subsidiary Overcharged 340B Providers

Generic drug manufacturer Precision Dose and its subsidiary Tagi Pharma overcharged 340B covered entities, a HRSA audit found.

Precision Dose, a maker of liquid generic drugs in unit-dose syringes and cups, and Tagi Pharma, a wholly owned subsidiary that makes generic oral and injectable drugs, will have to repay 340B covered entities for overcharges following an 340B program

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Maker of Plan B One-Step Contraceptive Exiting 340B Program

The maker of popular OTC emergency contraceptive Plan B One-Step is leaving the 340B program at the end of this year.

Foundation Consumer Healthcare (FCH), a maker of popular over-the-counter drugs including Plan B One-Step emergency contraceptive, is leaving the 340B program at the end of this year.

In a Nov. 3 letter to customers, FCH did not say

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