GlaxoSmithKline is providing refunds for overcharges during Q2 2021 on sales of two NDCs of its severe asthma medicine Nucala.

Amgen and GSK Announce Refunds for 340B Overcharges – May 23

Drug manufacturers Amgen and GlaxoSmithKline have notified 340B covered entities about refunds for overcharges, Amgen for sales in 2020 and GSK for sales in 2021.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration posted both companies’ notices on its website yesterday. GSK’s is dated April 2 and Amgen’s is dated April 5.

Amgen’s notice covers 47 NDCs for widely prescribed or administered products including Aranesp, Enbrel, Epogen, Neulasta, Neupogen, and Repatha. The refunds are for sales during Q1 2020, Q2 20200, or both. Amgen did not say why it recalculated its 340B prices.

GSK’s notice covers sales of two NDCs for the severe asthma medicine Nucala during Q2 2021. It too did not give a reason for the 340B price recalculations.

Both companies are among those that have imposed conditions on 340B pricing involving shipments to contract pharmacies.

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