Hospitals Continue Lobbying Push to Extend Pandemic-Era 340B Eligibility Waiver

Heywood Hospital joined a coalition of 340B hospitals and providers groups that has asked Congress to extend a 340B eligibility exemption waiver.
A growing coalition of 340B hospitals has asked lawmakers to extend 340B program eligibility exemptions first authorized during the COVID-19 [...]

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Novo Nordisk’s 340B Arkansas Lawsuit Reassigned to Judge Who Previously Ruled Against Drugmakers

Novo Nordisk logo on building
Novo Nordisk and the Arkansas Insurance Department are at odds over whether a federal district court should intervene in the enforcement of Arkansas' 340B contract pharmacy law.
A federal district court transferred drugmaker Novo Nordisk’s lawsuit challenging Arkansas’ 340B contract pharmacy law to a judge who previously [...]

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Louisiana Provider Group to Intervene in 340B Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit

A federal district judge allowed the Louisiana Primary Care Association's to intervene in a second drug industry lawsuit challenging Louisiana's 340B contract pharmacy law.
A federal judge allowed a Louisiana provider group to join the state attorney general in defending Louisiana’s 340B contract pharmacy [...]

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Senate Committee Doubles Down on PBM Bill with 340B Spread Pricing Language

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, announced a Dec. 5 hearing on prescription drug shortages that will include testimony from two witnesses who have published research on the 340B program.
Members of the Senate Finance Committee yesterday reiterated support for a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) transparency bill with 340B spread [...]

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Indiana Health Care Leaders Call for 340B Transparency in Op-Ed

Two Indiana Health Center leaders—TJ Warren (left) and Ben Harvey (right)—called for greater 340B program transparency in a recent op-ed.
The CEOs of an Indiana-based community health center and a primary care association recently wrote an op-ed that called for [...]

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Lilly Reinstates Tighter 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

Eli Lilly is conducting government approved 340B provider audits that for the first time look for certain Medicaid health plan duplicate discounts.
Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly this week announced it would reinstate tighter 340B contract pharmacy restrictions for all covered entity types. [...]

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Drug Industry Pushes Federal Court to Block Louisiana’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Law Without Trial

Louisiana capitol
PhRMA has asked a federal district judge to block Louisiana's 340B contract pharmacy law, Act 358, which took effect Aug. 1.
An influential drug industry trade group recently urged a federal judge to rule on its suit against Louisiana’s 340B contract [...]

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Arkansas Urges Federal Court to Reject Novo Nordisk’s Challenge to 340B Contract Pharmacy Law

All drugmaker suits against Arkansas Act 1103 in federal district court should appear before Judge Billy Roy Wilson, AID said in a recent filing.
The Arkansas Insurance Department (AID) recently asked a federal district judge to dismiss Novo Nordisk’s lawsuit that challenges Arkansas’ state [...]

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Sixth Drugmaker Loosens 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions in Arkansas and Louisiana

Drugmaker Organon has loosened its 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in Arkansas and Louisiana in response to state laws.
Organon, a Merck spinoff with a focus on women’s health, yesterday became the sixth drugmaker to loosen or end its [...]

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340B Program May Lead to Lower Charity Care, Says Drug Industry-Backed AIDS Group

Brandon Macsata
Brandon Macsata, CEO of ADAP Advocacy, said the group plans to publish data from its ongoing study on the 340B program later this year.
Enrollment in the 340B program was linked to diminished spending on charity care, according to preliminary findings from an ongoing [...]

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