TIP: For sites submitting data to 340B ESP, the option exists within the 340B ESP portal to “Attest” for several manufacturers which will help to enable 340B pricing in advance of receiving any claims for these manufacturers.
To perform the attestation, you must be logged into your 340B ESP portal, and click the Entity Profile option in the menu. The “Make Attestations” button will be available under the following manufacturers: Bausch, Gilead, GSK, Johnson & Johnson, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi. By clicking the “Make Attestations” button, you are attesting that you will submit transaction data for these manufacturers when the data becomes available. This action can be performed for each covered entity that you have registered in 340B ESP.

Dennis Killian, Senior Consultant – 340B Solutions at CPS, can be reached at: Dennis.Killian@cps.com