A Feb. 13-17 winter storm caused mass power outages and water and food shortages in Texas.

HRSA Allows 340B Enrollment Flexibility in Storm-Battered Texas

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), in light of the declared public health emergency in Texas, is letting eligible health care providers there enroll immediately in the 340B drug pricing program instead of waiting for the next normal quarterly registration period (April 1-15, with a July 1 start date).

“We believe this will enable these entities to meet the needs of the residents affected by this disaster,” HRSA’s Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) said in an announcement on the 340B program home page. OPA instructed entities that want to take advantage of the enrollment flexibility to email the 340B Prime Vendor Program or call 1-888-340-2787.

HRSA has a web page on the 340B program website with its guidance for 340B providers about program compliance during disaster relief efforts.

A Feb. 13-17 winter storm caused mass power outages and water and food shortages in Texas. As many as 4 million Texans reportedly were without power last week. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said, “Cold weather, lingering power outages and water service interruptions continue in areas impacted by the winter storm.”

“More than 3,000 [COVID-19] vaccine centers were located in areas that experienced power outages,” FEMA said. “FEMA continues working with our state partners to ensure they have everything necessary to safely reopen any closed facility.”

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