Proven Strategies 340B Covered Entities Can Use to Enhance the Specialty Pharmacy Experience for Patients


By Brandon Newman, Pharm.D., MMHC, Chief Operations Officer at CPS

Delivering an excellent customer experience is crucial for 340B covered entities seeking to differentiate their in-house specialty pharmacy services from those of external specialty pharmacies. As in other industries, providing great service will boost customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading not only to better clinical results but also to stronger financial growth.


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Top 10 Issues to Consider in 2021

SPONSORED CONTENT by Jim Jorgenson, CEO, Visante

2020 was a year like no other! Dominated by challenges and uncertainty with the pandemic and the economy, and the political landscape overshadowing everything.

As always, and particularly in the face of rising challenges, we would like to thank our many clients for trusting us to support their organizations and to help them weather the storm as we head into what will

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