Visante’s Top 10 Issues Facing Health System Pharmacy for 2024


 In 2024, pharmacy will play an even more significant and critical role in health systems’ financial and operational performance nationwide. While health systems face daunting challenges, increasing risks, and suffocating regulatory and compliance burdens, high-performing pharmacy organizations

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Exploring Key Aspects of the 340B Program


The 340B drug pricing program allows covered entities serving vulnerable patient populations to buy medications at a discount. Since 1987, AIDS Healthcare Foundation has been on the frontline of the HIV response in the United States.  AHF cares for patients regardless

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Implementing for Success


After 30 years of serving vulnerable populations, the 340B Drug Pricing Program has grown considerably in scale and complexity. While it is arguably one of the most successful public/private partnerships in healthcare history, 340B is facing policy obstacles and headwinds that can make

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Unlocking Greater 340B Savings


The 340B program serves as a lifeline for many communities, allowing them to provide critical services to vulnerable, underserved patients. But unfortunately, the industry faces a spectrum of challenges, from mounting drug manufacturer restrictions to incomplete referral claims capture, which hinder

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340B Outlook from Capitol Hill, Federal Courts, and the States


Get the latest developments in the 340B program with some of the most respected experts in the field. Verity Solutions will be hosting this lively panel discussion again where you will get an up-to-the-minute

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Unlocking the TRUE POTENTIAL of 340B


Primary care organizations often view themselves as a “Medical Home” for their patients, focusing on resolving patient health problems through their medical services. However, a significant challenge for providers lies in the inability to monitor and influence a patient’s behavior in the time

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3 Things Hospitals and Grantees Need to Know about the Genesis Decision


The much-awaited decision in the Genesis Health Care patient definition case in federal district court in South Carolina provides 340B hospitals and federal grantees welcome re-affirmations of the importance of the vital safety-net care they provide as well as Congress’s intent to

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Upcoming DIR Fee Changes and Their Potential Impact on 340B Programs


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a final rule that goes into effect on January 1, 2024 that changes the way Direct and Indirect Remuneration (DIR) fees are collected. To understand the impact

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340B…or not to B…?

Robin George headshot


The 340B program, enacted in 1992, enables covered entities to stretch scarce federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services.

In 2010, the 340B program was expanded under the Affordable Care Act, allowing covered entities to contract with an unlimited number

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4 Ways Hospital Pharmacies Can Unlock Financial Stability


With so many challenges facing health systems today — from 340B contract pharmacy restrictions to drug shortages, labor issues, and ever-rising costs — revenue integrity has become essential to financial stability.

With huge increases in drug expenditures from pre-pandemic levels, health systems must

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