Webinar—Neutral 340B Clearinghouse: Ready, Set, Now Go!


Please join on us October 8th at 2pm EST for our second installment of RxParadigm’s 340B Clearinghouse Webinar Series.

As the 340B landscape continues to shift, it is time for action to deliver consistency and sustainability and a 340B future that is fair and effective to all stakeholders.  As legislation gets worked through at the state and federal levels, it is time for all stakeholders to act on a market driven solution to address duplicate discounts now. Particularly a system that 340B providers can have confidence in.

The webinar will cover: 

  1. Updates on key issues including contract pharmacy developments and HRSA’s enforcement actions against rebate model
  2. Why J&J’s rebate proposal and other unilateral efforts to change how 340B works is counterproductive
  3. A 340B neutral clearinghouse and its benefits to all stakeholders
  4. Making a clearinghouse functional and effective
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