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Navigating the 340B Program for Maximum Benefits and Guaranteed Compliance


If you are reading this article, then you’re likely aware of the 340B drug discount program, the U.S. federal government program that requires drug manufacturers to provide outpatient drugs to covered entities at significantly reduced prices.

Covered entities may effectively navigate this incredibly complex program, maximize their benefits, reach more eligible patients, and maintain compliance with a new approach. As the CEO and Founder of the third-party administrator, 340Best, I am excited to use the insight I have gained over the years to help ease the process with our new Referrals+™ Program. 

The 340B landscape is constantly changing and covered entities are struggling to meet the program’s demands. The team at 340Best closely monitors regulations and recommendations from government agencies that impact the 340B program and assure that our clients are informed, and our systems adapt as needed to assist our clients in maintaining compliance. 

We work with a multitude of covered entities to bring unique solutions to our clients as well as to provide expert counsel for successful 340B program management. 

We recently launched our Referrals+ Program at the request of our clients to help covered entities achieve new levels of compliance, savings, and efficiency. The Program is designed to identify referral opportunities and uncover savings that are often missed in regular pharmacy reports. 340Best’s expert support team also assists with closing the documentation loop, including care notes and other supporting documents. We assist covered entities in their efforts to maintain a successful program, freeing up their staff for other day-to-day responsibilities.

The Referrals+ program can be seamlessly integrated into any current client program to help qualified covered entities save time and money by increasing employee efficiency and establishing a proven system to maximize referrals. 

Several clients have already experienced the immediate benefits of the 340Best Referrals+ program. We are here to assist when your covered entity is ready to streamline your system and meet the ever-changing demands of the 340B program. 

Schedule a consultation to learn more about the Referrals+ Program from a 340B expert. 

Anula Courtis is the CEO & Founder of 340Best. She can be reached at

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