The Need for a 340B Uninsured Prescription Discount Card Program


Hospitals, community health centers and other covered entities participating in the 340B program are not-for-profit and the purpose of 340B is to help them stretch their scarce federal resource dollars to enhance patient care. The mission of covered entities (CEs) participating in this vital program is to provide healthcare services to everyone regardless of ability to pay. The need to optimize 340B savings is greater now more than ever, considering the current environment of manufacturers’ constraints.

Technology solutions to support these programs can help FQHC’s use the 340B program efficiently and effectively to engage their most vulnerable patients by passing on 340B savings to their uninsured and underinsured patients.

SUNRx recently hosted a webinar and panel discussion with subject matter experts that provided operational, strategic, and advocacy with insights for FQHC’s to consider when developing a 340B Prescription Discount Card strategy.

This webinar covered:

  • The value of real-time 340B eligibility using technology innovations at the 340B contracted pharmacy to pass the savings directly to the patient
  • Distribution approaches of prescription discount identification cards to uninsured patients (including those eligible for subsidization due to income tiers)
  • Advantages of printable 340B Prescription Discount Cards and marketing materials
  • Considerations for program design including 340B pass-through or subsidy at the 340B contracted pharmacy
  • 340B eligibility processing using a PBM
  • Why “Lesser of” pricing is important.

For a limited time, SUNRx has provided 340B Report members access to the webcast via On-Demand.
To access, click on the following link here, enter in registration information, and watch the webcast.

In addition to the webinar, SUNRx has released a case study featuring an FQHC that has helped their uninsured patients benefit from 340B savings while realizing the advantages of this streamlined real-time 340B solution. To access and download the case study, click on the link here. 

To learn more about the SUNRx Uninsured 340B Prescription Discount Card, click here and/or contact us for more information.

Mary Van Hoozer is Chief of Revenue & Operations at SUNRx. She can be reached at

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